Andre Martins

Diretor de M&A, Investimentos, Conselheiro e Mentor

São Paulo, São Paulo

Invests in


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Habilidades analíticas
Gestão comercial
Desenvolvimento de negócios
Gestão de equipes
Gestão de vendas
Liderança de equipe
Gestão de contas
Relacionamento com clientes
Capital de risco
Coordenação de projetos
Gestão de relacionamentos empresariais
Planejamento de mercado
Trabalhando com investidores
Desenvolvimento corporativo
Parcerias estratégicas
Interpersonal Skills
Strategic Thinking


Work Experience


  • Diretor de Ticket Transporte


2016 - 2024

  • Cofundador

    2018 - 2024

    A Venture Capital with a fingerprint of hands on partner and builder as well. We currently invested in more than 20 startups in Brazil, and we are LP of Babel Ventures Fund. We believe in developing companies trough a strategic presence with founders and their team. Share solutions and ideas trough all our network is one of our strength. Portfolio : Dr Cash, Vittude, Bondy, Contraktor, SMU/Estar, Cannect, Metha Energia, Zaply, Vibbra, SuperCambio, PagueBem Brasil, Firgun e Babel Fund I

  • Investor

    2016 - 2018

2013 - 2018

  • Presidente

    2013 - 2018

    Responsible over P&L and leading the first benefits business unit acquired by Fleetcor in Brazil for 5 years. During this period I was responsible for reorganizing the whole company towards a new governance, in order to comply with a public company needs. All process were redesigned, from customer service to financials. Fleetcor Benefits, were the leader and first mover to provide a best product to save companies money over their bus voucher orders, bringing an incremental results of 25%. New sales channels were one the top changes in the company, representing 30% of total sales after one year. of benefits unit in Brazil, largest one worldwide. Development of a new integrated Markting and Sales areas, looking for better productivity in sales over telesales and field channel. A specific web channel management was designed to take care of all web initiatives, creating value and leads for inbound telesales.

2000 - 2013

  • President

    2000 - 2013

    After a long period being trained to assume the leadership of my family company, it was one the most and thoughtful periods of my career, I was able to develop all kind of skills, since internally as externally. We could make VB from a small and local company with R$200mi GMV/year to be the leader with more than 50% of market share and a GMV R$2,5bi/year. Among my peers and other family members, we negotiate the selling of the company to FleetCor. It was the greatest moment of career, being one the leaders of this successful process, a lot of learnings about how to deal and negotiate with a public company.

Doria Associados (LIDE)

2008 - 2013

  • Presidente Lide Jovem

    2008 - 2013

    Founder of the actual group called Lide Futuro, develop the board and the content to be discussed over the summits. The main issue for Lide Jovem is entrepreneurship

1997 - 2000

  • Trainee

    1997 - 2000