Fernando Rodriguez

Co-Founder, CLO, developer & trainer. Guinness Record Holder.

Pozuelo de Alarcón, Community of Madrid


Work Experience

  • Chief Learning Officer


    Educational company focused on top notch development courses around the world! iOS, Swift, Android, TDD, Python, Git, Parse, AWS & much more...

  • Advanced iOS (Swift & Objective C) & TDD (Test Driven Development) Instructor


    ✔ "iOS Programming Fundamentals" classes in Spain, Latam and US. ● 8000+ students since 2010, with raving reviews ☞ ● Provides a rock solid foundation by focusing on what truly matters: Core Cocoa Competencies. No previous Objective C or Cocoa experience required. ● 100% practical: students spend most of their time developing an App. ● Gentle pace: the sample App goes through several iterations as it becomes more complex. No concept is introduced before necessary to implement a feature in the App. ● Fun and geek-friendly environment: the sample App is a Star Wars Encyclopaedia. ● Tangible results. All students return home with a universal App (iPhone & iPad), with a clear MVC architecture, customised UI via the Appearance proxy, audio with AVFoundation, UISplitViewController, UITableViewController, UINavigationController, UITabBarController, custom delegate protocol, notifications, error handling in Cocoa, simple persistence through NSUserDefaults, understanding of the sandbox and best practices... seen in practice. ✔ iOS: Beyond the Basics ("Curso Intermedio") classes in Spain and Latin America. ☞ ● 100% practical, the purpose is to build a useful App and learn all necessary skills along the way. ● Designing the architecture of the sample App, starting with a navigation diagram and a prototype, before starting to code. ● Blocks and their relevance in Cocoa. ● Concurrency with Grand Central Dispatch (GCD). ● Core Animation with UIView and CALayer. ●Core Data: º the Core Data stack º NSManagedObject innards º attributes & relations º the transformable type º moGenerator º KVO & KVC ● Editable text, and keyboard notifications. Animating your UI to adapt the to keyboard. Removing the keyboard in an elegant way. ● The camera and Modal Controllers. Blocks reloaded. UIActivityViewController: sharing with Social Networks. ● Core Location and MapKit

  • Guinness Record Holder - Largest Software Class in the World with Jupyter & Python

    2019 - 2019

  • Fundamentals & Advanced iOS Online Courses Instructor

    2013 - 2017

    ✔ KeepCoding "iOS Programming Fundamentals" & "iOS Advanced Programming - From Padawan to Jedi" course online (Spanish only). ● A bestseller with 1000+ students, with raving reviews ☞ ● Provides a rock solid foundation by focusing on what truly matters: Core Cocoa Competencies. No previous Objective C or Cocoa experience required.

  • Fund Investor


Conference Speaker


  • Conference Speaker


    ✔ t3chfest 2018: Introduction to Blockchain, Bitcoin and Crypto for developers ✔ Essence of Code for Founders, at ✔AltConf 2016: Playgrounds (Udacity) ✔Club Mundi Foro 2016: ¿Qué Educación y Ciencias para una España 3.0? ✔iOSDevUK 2013: Augmented Reality Apps ✔ NSSpain 2013 & 2014 ✔ "Movilidad: retos empresariales frente al BYOD y los nuevos dispositivos móviles." - "U-tad/Intel/MuyComputerPro" | JUN/2013 ✔ "OpenGL Workshop" - "BCNDevCon Conference" | NOV/2012 ● Origin of OpenGL ● OpenGL ES (Embedded Systems) ● Basic rendering concepts ● GLKit to the rescue ● A simple example ● Textures in OpenGL ● A more complex example ● Creative uses of OpenGL in iOS ✔ "Life beyond the App Store: tapping into the Corporate Market" - "Semana del Emprendimiento" Conference by Endeavour | NOV/2012 ● Introduced the possibilities of the corporate market for iOS Apps to entrepreneurs and startups. ✔ "Introduction to iOS Programming" - Codemotion Conference | MAR/2012 ● Technical introduction to the different options and tools available to create iOS Apps. ● Aimed at college students.

2016 - 2018

  • Technical Editor

    2016 - 2018

    Technical editor for several iOS and macOS development books.

2015 - 2017

  • iOS Course Developer

    2015 - 2017

    Teaching nerdy stuff in a fun and efficient way. Partnering with IBM for a server-side Swift course. Helping Udacity scale up the iOS development team. Interviewing and selecting candidates.

  • Advanced iOS & Cocoa Instructor

    2012 - 2017

    ✔ "Advanced iOS Programming" classes. ● Core Graphics / Quartz, ● iCloud, ● Grand Central Dispatch, ● Core Audio, Web Services and more. .................. ✔ "Beginning iOS Programming" classes. ● Objective C ● MVC ● Delegates, Notifications ● Core Location / MapKit ● Intro to Core Data, persistence and more. .................. ✔ Help introduce The Big Nerd Ranch services to corporate customers in Brazil (in Portuguese).

2012 - 2016

  • Associate Lecturer

    2012 - 2016

    ✔ Master in Mobile Application Development ☞ ● Teaching the "Advanced iOS Programming" class ● Curriculum design and instructors coordinator for following subjects: º Introduction to iOS Programming º Third party Backends for Apps º Creating backends for apps º TDD for iOS Apps

2012 - 2015

  • CTO & Technical Advisor

    2012 - 2015

    ✔ UrGift.In, a social gifting mobile application that helps users to share their Amazon wish list and get the gifts they really want. ☞ ● Won the MassChalleng_INNPulsa Pitch Competition in Boston, Massachusetts, in October 2012. ● Chosen among +1000 projects has one of out ten with the most potential to be accelerated by Wayra Colombia. Wayra is Telefónica Digital's global startup accelerator. .................. ● Supervise application's architecture & development. ● Advise CEO on technical decisions.

  • Mentor

    2013 - 2015

    "Talentum Startups" is a Telefonica funded project to bridge colleges and startups. - Mentoring & selecting candidates for either working at the current startups (spinoff projects from Wayra, the IE Business School, TopseedsLab accelerator, etc.) or starting their own startup.

2012 - 2012

  • Mobile Application Developer

    2012 - 2012

    Created the MVP for iOS app.