Massimo Gentili

Innovation & Technology Management

Milan, Lombardy

Invests in



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Work Experience

Active Label srl


  • Member of the Board of Directors


    ActiveLabel è una startup innovativa specializzata nel monitoraggio delle condizioni ambientali dei prodotti deperibili. Con la nostra tecnologia brevettata, aiutiamo le aziende nei settori alimentare, farmaceutico e della logistica a garantire la qualità e la sicurezza dei loro prodotti. La nostra missione è ridurre gli sprechi, migliorare la trasparenza e assicurare la massima efficienza lungo tutta la supply chain.

  • Observer: Board of Directors


  • Observer: Board of Directors



  • Observer: Board of Directors


  • Observer: Board of Directors


Innovation & Technology Management


  • Independent Business Owner


    Temporary free-lance management. Senior hands-on consultant for new product development by in/out sourcing new technologies, and management of innovation. Customers include industry and public bodies, both in Italy and abroad. Introduction of new technologies in a cross-innovation context.

  • Partner


    "EUREKA! Fund I - Technology Transfer" will target technology transfer investments in Italy focused on advanced materials and more generally on materials science and engineering, scouting the most promising solutions from Universities and Research Centers in Italy, going from the proof-of-concept stage through to seed and round A investments.

Fondazione Inphotec

2019 - 2020

  • Managing Director

    2019 - 2020

    Fondazione INPHOTEC of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, is a no-profit legal entity created according to the Italian Law 388/2000. Its mission is to provide fabrication facilities and technology platforms for research, prototyping and production of high added-value components and circuits to academics and industry. The major areas where INPHOTEC can provide innovative front-end and back-end processes and technologies are: -Photonic integrated circuits and optoelectronics -Bio photonics and medical applications -Graphene photonics -Sensors and MEMS, MOEMS

2016 - 2017

  • Chief Technology Officer & President of the Board of Directors-Automation Division

    2016 - 2017

    TESMEC S.p.A., a public company, designs, manufactures and sells products, technologies and integrated solutions for the construction, maintenance and efficiency of infrastructures related to the transport and distribution of energy, data and material. Appointed Chief Technology Officer for electrical Smart Grid Automation Division. President of the Board of Directors of the Automation Division.

  • Director Centre for Materials and Microsystems

    2012 - 2016

    Director of CMM - Centre for Materials and Microsystems; responsible for its overall management, which also includes P&L. FBK-CMM is a large applied research organization, accounting for about 130 researchers and technicians and equipped with state-of-the-art micro and nanotechnology facilities aiming at valorizing research. Customers include both domestic and international large companies, as well as governmental and institutional organizations. Redesign of the pre-existing structure to avoid overlapping/duplicated activities by introducing a new organizational and operational model evolving from a competence-centric structure into a product-oriented one. Strategic partnership agreements with: BRIC countries, large international laboratories and multinational corporations