Stefan Muehlemann

Board Member, Entrepreneur, Investor, Alpinist

Zurich, Zurich

Invests in


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Work Experience

  • Member Board of Directors


    enshift streamlines local clean energy for large-scale real estate. With enshift's platform you can easily simulate, plan and realize your buildings’ journey to energy independence and ‘net zero’. With just an address, instantly discover the financial and environmental returns your building can generate by transitioning to clean energy. Once you’re ready, select and contract your ideal construction and financing partners and reduce transition risks.

  • Founding Board Member


    At radicant we are building the next-generation sustainable finance platform and services to support the UN sustainable development goals. Looking for great talents to join the journey.


  • Advisory Board Member and Pre-Seed Investor


    FOUND brings the digital consumer revolution to hiring. We turn the tables and have employers pitch opportunities to top talent. AI-based matching and gamified assessments make every interaction worthwhile and keep everyone happy. Very much unlike the usual job-platforms that spam people and expect them to blindly apply.

  • Founder and Chairman (until 2023), now Board Member at Loanboox


    Loanboox is the independent debt issuing platform that connects public sector, large corporate and real estate borrowers with banks and institutional investors in Switzerland, Germany, France, Liechtenstein and Austria (more to come shortly). Since its go-live in 2016, Loanboox has processed over CHF 75 billion in financing request.

  • Founder and CEO

    2015 - 2020

  • Fachrat Digitalisierung Kanton Graubünden


    🚀 Wir sind die Anlauf- und Koordinationsstelle zur Förderung der digitalen Transformation in Graubünden. Skills: New Business · Regierung und Behörden · Digitale Geschäftsmodelle · Kultureller Wandel · Digitale Transformation · Digitalisierung · Digital Marketing · Digitale Strategie

  • Limited Partner



  • Member Board of Directors (until Oct 2023) and Pre-Seed Investor


    Swise is Switzerland’s first digital asset management company transforming the current private equity investing landscape. We offer a unique combination of top-quality private equity solutions and ease of access for the private wealth segment.

  • Founding Board Member (until 2021), Founding Investor


    gapfruit enables OEMs and hardware manufacturers to build inherently secure products with reduced time-to-market. gapfruit is a modern microkernel platform with capability-based security supporting x86-64, ARM32/64 and RISC-V chips and their hardware security features. gapfruit has minimal hardware dependencies and scales from specialized embedded systems, over carrier grade appliances to high performance cloud servers. The platform architecture gives complete control over all software stacks. Thanks to our truly revolutionary architecture, we provide tools to identify and audit critical parts of the system which enables our customers to form rational arguments as to why their product is trustworthy.


  • Seed Investor


    Inkitt is the world’s first reader-powered publisher, providing a platform to discover hidden talents and turn them into globally successful authors. Write captivating stories, read enchanting novels, and we’ll publish the books our readers love most on our sister app, GALATEA and other formats.

  • Seed Investor


    Your car subscription from Carvolution Drive your own car on a subscription. It's an affordable alternative to buying and leasing, and everything about the car is included: insurance, taxes, services & maintenance. Carvolution - die clevere Alternative zum Leasing. Dein Auto im Abo. Alles enthalten, ausser Tanken.