Vinay Hiremath

Unemployed (not looking)

New York, New York

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Work Experience

2023 - 2024

  • Head of Engineering & IT, Loom

    2023 - 2024

    Headed up Loom engineering and IT at Atlassian post-acquisition. Left within 6 months after team was on good footing and reporting integration was rolling off. Atlassian is a fantastic place to work, but I just needed to get some solo time after 10 years of straight grinding. Thank you Atlassian and Loommates for an unforgettable journey. 🌸

2015 - 2023

  • Co-Founder, CTO

    2022 - 2023

    Return to CTO but this time also having management report into me. Worked closely with the engineering managers to increase engineering output through repeatable process and get us to several product launches which meaningfully inflected Loom's growth. My final chapter as Loom's CTO culminated in the acquisition of the company for $975m. I could not have done this alone. The Loom team is incredible, and I'm beyond lucky to have had the opportunity to work with so many amazingly talented individuals. Thank you Loommates!

  • Co-Founder, CTO, VP People

    2021 - 2022

    I stepped in as Loom's interim VP People, overseeing our Talent, People Ops, and Workplace Ops functions on top of taking a more passive seat as CTO. This was the first role where I was in a position of authority with little technical depth. I had to learn what various HR roles were responsible for, how headcount planning works (by doing it poorly), how critical People's connection to Finance and the CEO is, how to manage multiple budgets and adjust them down and up, and how to look at the efficacy of your workforce to burn. I was lucky to have adept directors under me who were patient with my misunderstandings and steady drumbeat of clarifying questions. This was a career-changing chapter for me. I've learned years of leadership in 7 months. I've become clearer in my guiding principles as a manager and coach. I'm returning back to CTO with a clearer understanding of how Loom as an organization operates and how our R&D teams should leverage tools like budgets and planning more effectively to achieve operational excellence. Thank you to all the Loommates who supported and worked with me during this rocky period. ⛵

  • Co-Founder, CTO

    2020 - 2022

    Overseeing the architecture of all of Loom as well as advocating for and building technology that unlocks future product capabilities. During this specific period as CTO, I oversaw three fundamental systems shifts that continue to pay dividends and will be built on top of for the years to come: 1. Instant editing. This infrastructure allows us to cheaply and instantly cut and merge videos apart and together. It also allows for future instant filters to be built, which will make Loom the fastest video editor in the browser. You can read more about the journey and the incredible work the Core Media team did to reach this goal here: https://www.loom.com/blog/loom-instant-editing 2. Global Upload Network. We are currently rolling out an infrastructure that is showing massive decreases in load and rendering times when recording video. This global upload network will allow us to rapidly expand into international markets where the performance of video is typically quite poor. 3. Intelligent System of Record. I worked on understanding how we might build a proof of concept that would showcase that indexing video in our new system of record is not only possible but necessary. The team has run with my proof of concept and is building something that is paving the way for Loom to become a format that makes video at scale much more useful, intuitive, and lightweight.

  • Co-Founder, Head of Engineering

    2015 - 2020

    Loom is empowering people around the world to create quick videos–of their screen, of themselves, or both. More than 1.5 million users across more than 50,000 companies have recorded and shared a Loom with a coworker or client to get their message across in the most effective, and human, way possible. I oversee the architecture, infrastructural unit economics, scaling of the team from both a recruitment and culture perspective, management and output of the team, as well as the strategic technical and product direction of the company (the latter shared between myself and my co-founder). If you'd like to riff on some cool technical thing you're building or build the future with us, shoot me an email at vinay@loom.com.

2013 - 2016

  • Member of Technical Staff

    2013 - 2016

    Was promoted to tech lead and then manager and then demoted back to tech lead of the web team. The demotion had to do with both company politics and some room for personal growth on my end. I've learned a lot from it. * Increased the efficiency of downloads from the web application by almost 300% (memory consumption) by zipping several files on the fly over websocket connections. * Increased the efficiency and reliability of uploads from the web client by designing and implementing a resumable upload protocol which spanned multiple backend services. * Worked on an infinitely-scrollable activity feed, several widgets around music and video playback, and a full-fledged PDF viewer with pagination. * Implemented a web build, deployment and versioning system with Grunt and Jenkins. Later moved from Grunt to Gulp and transferred all operations to be streaming and non-blocking, which cut the average build time down from 73 seconds to 3 seconds. * Architected a move from 3 web repositories to 1 large monolithic web repository. Code layout was easier to reason about and dependency management got simpler. * Worked on the core build system for infrastructure written in C that had to bridge to iPhone, Android and Web services. I got really good at reading software licenses. * Spearheaded several iterations of the Preview Service. This service allowed clients to preview all image, audio, video, and document types. Co-architected the "plug-and-play" delegate model of this service, allowing it to be infinitely extensible. * Implemented streaming transcoding logic on video files and built a transcoding prototype that was implemented fully after I left. * Introduced Node.js to a 100% Go service ecosystem, which included modules to gracefully handle cross-language service discovery and RPC. * Read several systems papers and helped co-host a paper-reading club where I was able to deeply learn about operating and distributed systems.

2012 - 2013

  • Software Engineer

    2012 - 2013

    Built out several Backbone components in a massive javascript codebase. Components built included: * Dynamic chart widgets you could slide to update feed components * Infinite feeds with DOM recycling * Complex controllers that shifted data efficiently between multiple components and models (before people used React/Redux with singular data flow lol) * Alert modals that could be nested and laid out infinitely on each other and know the parent's context Built out the full stack of an internal analytics portal which included: * Real-time graphs with dynamic range selection * Lists of top users by attributes * Email digests with dynamic chart snapshots * Real-time data filtration, aggregation and payload delivery optimization * A caching layer for recently computed data Along the way I also fixed Sendgrid's Python SDK since they didn't handle nested multipart content types correctly.

2012 - 2012

  • Software Engineering Intern

    2012 - 2012

    Worked on the Mobile Web team, primarily working on various iterations of the composer, which is the component that allows users to post status, photo and location updates. Participated in the annual summer hackathon. Our project added pets to a user's social graph, including a pet relationship and an auto-generated page that displayed a timeline-esque representation of a pet. We made it to the finals and presented our project to Zuck himself.

  • Margolis Market Information Lab Assistant

    2010 - 2012

    Troubleshoot software and hardware problems in the MIL, as well as proctor and administer financial software certification exams.

2010 - 2012

  • Co-founder

    2010 - 2012

    We were going to do great things with television and mobile technology. Sometimes it's about learning from your failures.

2009 - 2009

  • Research Assistant

    2009 - 2009

    Researched mechanisms of aqueous and gaseous transport through polymer membranes. Synthesized various biodegradable polymers. Operated a variety of lab equipment, including an x-ray diffraction machine, DSC, etc. Presented research results and data at a commencement session.