Vincent Schulin

Head of Growth @TestaViva | Owner @Weboptimizer | Serial entrepreneur with 2 exits

Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark

Invests in


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Work Experience

  • Head of Growth


    I min stilling som Head of Growth driver jeg vækst og optimeringsprojekter på tværs af organisationen. Udpluk af projekter: - Lead generering - Vores AI chat bot - Den digitale kunderejse - Automatisering af vores juridiske køberoverblik - Dataindsamling og analyse

  • Senior Commercial Manager

    2023 - 2024

    TestaViva er Danmarks største og førende legaltech virksomhed som hjælper private og virksomheder med, at gøre jura nemt og tilgængeligt for alle gennem digitale løsninger. Jeg har ansvaret for at skabe vækst gennem en række projekter på tværs af virksomheden. Mine tre primære arbejdsområder omfatter forretningsudvikling, strategi og produktudvikling. Fremhævede resultater hidtil: - Identificeret og eksekveret en lead-kampagne, der genererer over 5 mio. kroner i omsætning pr. år. - Indført og opsat NPS-målinger. - Sparet flere hundrede arbejdstimer årligt på tværs af organisationen ved at automatisere vores kundevendte kommunikation på tværs af virksomheden. - Opsat vores kundehenvisningsprogram. - Reduceret antallet af annulleringer – annulleringsprocenten er faldet med 25%. - Øget vores brugeraktiveringsrate med 20%. - Løbende identificeret og arbejdet sammen med vores udviklingsteam på at indsamle og udnytte forretningsdata. - Øget omsætningen på vores boligprodukt med 20%. - Opsat og videreudviklet vores CRM-setup i HubSpot, hvilket har øget vores leadgenerering og kundetilfredshed, samt skabt en mere strømlinet, datadrevet tilgang til vores forretningsudvikling. Min største passion ligger i at identificere nye forretningsmuligheder og at eksekvere på dem. Med andre ord, jeg er en ægte angriber, der altid jagter og eksekverer på nye muligheder og søger chancen for at score.

  • Growth Specialist


    I am a Commercial/marketing wizard with more than 10+ years of experience in the field. I have grown and sold two businesses and now help other businesses grow their business. I run Weboptimizer where we offer the following: - Google products (Ads, display youtube) - Commercial strategy - Conversion optimization - SEO - Website speed optimization I offer a free growth potential analysis. Feel free to contact me. Read more here: www.weboptimizer.dk

Schulin Capital ApS


  • Owner


    Schulin Capital ApS invest in stock-listed companies and startups. We also offer consultant services for startups and scaleups.

2022 - 2022

  • Entrepreneur In Residence

    2022 - 2022

2022 - 2022

  • Venture Partner

    2022 - 2022

    CVX Ventures invests in the most promising growth companies together with a partner circle of Northern Europe's leading business people. We create value in companies through our investment, experience and deep industry knowledge, so that companies get the necessary sparring and resources for their growth journey. We are entrepreneurs, board members, business people, inventors and investors, and we are passionate about making a difference with our capital, competencies and networks across industries and stages. Read more at www.cvx.vc


2020 - 2022

  • Founder & External Business Consultant (Exited)

    2020 - 2022

    IThelpers ApS supports businesses with IT and cloud solutions. I founded the business and sold it to a larger IT solutions provider within a year of founding to strenghten our strategic position and exploit synergies. Today I work as a consultant for the new owners. Mainly within marketing and business development. I exited the firm in september 2021 to a larger IT consultancy.

2020 - 2020

  • Venture Analyst Intern

    2020 - 2020

    Accelerace is Europe's leading seed accelerator. We team up with top startups to nurture and fuel growth. I advise startups on business strategy, business development, funding, sales, and marketing.

2018 - 2019

  • Digital Web Analys

    2018 - 2019

    I worked as a Digital Web Analyst for Nordea in the group unit Web Analytics and Online Optimization, which is part of the Group Data Management Office. I supported internal stakeholders to become more digital and data-driven by collecting, structuring and analyzing complex online and offline data in a structured and coherent manner. My time in Nordea improved my business, analytics, communication, and team-work skills as well as technical skills with the Adobe stack, Microsoft office, R, Regex, and Javascript.

2016 - 2018

  • Co-Founder (Sold)

    2016 - 2018

    I co-founded the IT consultancy TekniskHjælp in 2016. I started working as an IT consultant and was later in charge of leading and managing a team of 4 IT consultants. After 2 years of continuous growth, the company was sold in 2018 to a larger IT consultancy. TekniskHjælp supported SME´s across different industries. My time as a business owner increased my consulting, business, analytical, management and teamwork skills.

2016 - 2017

  • B2B Sales consultant

    2016 - 2017

    I was one of the best performing sales consultants in one of the largest insurance companies in Denmark. My time in Codan taught me valuable sales skills and gave me a broad understanding of many different industries, companies, and customers.